I must have one of those faces. The face that says, "I'm happy to help with whatever you need help with."

Many folks stop me while I am jogging and ask for directions, I have helped older folks with their garbage cans; getting from the curb to their side yard, and also had the opportunity to help people change a tire, well, I mean, help people make a call to have someone come and change their tire. Does that count for helping?

Yesterday's request takes the cake. I was exiting a bathroom after washing my hands, and an older woman, standing near the sink area, was fiddling with her pants. She was wearing a long shirt and had black pants which were equipped with a side zipper. She had the bottom half of her shirt tucked under her chin so that her mid section was exposed.

Right as I was ready to exit the bathroom she called me over to help her. Let's just say that the zipper on the side of her pants didn't shimmy up with great ease. While she gripped the top section closed together, it was my job to zip the zipper shut while it was stretched to the maximum width.

My zippering was a success. She was happy, and thanked me for my help. I left the restroom scratching my head while replaying in my head what had just transpired.

I am quite good at helping with zippers on children. However, I have never helped anyone in their sixties with their zipper, except for now. I hope that I don't have to do it again.


Sarah Markley said…
i can SOOO see you doing this. ha!!

btw, i left you a message earlier.
Amy said…
Funny! That's a good story. You now have a zipper ministry.
Jodie Howerton said…
I guess when you need help, you need help. You just earned some jewels in your crown!
ayates said…
it would only happen to you because God knew you could make a good story out of it for your blog for your friends to get a good laugh!!!

thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
lol yeah i agree sarah btw i got your message it had me rofl
Denise said…
i am a friendly, outgoing, helpful person..but i draw the line on helping someone i do not know with their zipper.
it does make a good blog story, maybe i would do it for that.