Mirror Mirror

If someone asked me to picture in my mind my facial image, I would imagine a face close to the real thing. After all, I see my reflection in the mirror more than once a day. I know what I look like based on the mirror in my bathroom. That is my best judge.

My mother's mirror in her bathroom has a ton of natural light from the sky light situated above the mirror. In her mirror I look basically the same except I notice more the deep wrinkles and stray black chin and cheek hairs that miraculously appear overnight. My grey hairs are more apparent also.

Mirrors at the department store are the opposite of lovely. I have gotten into a routine of doing lunges for the past eight months, not every day but often. They are supposed to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Huh! After trying on a pair of jeans, and standing in my undies in front of the three-way mirror at Nordstrom, let me tell you, I saw more cellulite that should be legally allowed. Stupid lunges! Stupid mirrors!

While wandering around the airport with my coffee cup and wheeled suitcase, I splashed some coffee on my hand and dashed into the bathroom to clean up. When I looked up into the mirror I was aghast. I looked nothing like how I pictured myself to look. I looked terrible, haggard and worn to the bone. I looked as if I was experiencing bouts of nausea and had aged 5 years. I attempted a blush application and some lip gloss which did not help. I even grabbed a bottle of "tester" perfume from the gift shop and misted my nasty looking self. The scent was pleasant, but my appearance didn't change.

I'm giving up on mirrors and intead, resorting to taping sheets of foil on the front of my mirror. My relflection always looks better in foil - unclear and out of focus.


Sarah Markley said…
oh dear. you are not haggard. but i will say, most people don't look that great after flying. know you were in good company in the airport - it is full of tired people. =)
Amy said…
NO ONE looks good at the airport! I think they do something weird to their lights. It's not you, it's them.
I'm about to "bust a post" on what is happening to my 45 year-old face. The other day I tried the swirl, tap, buff makeup--HORROR!
Lisa said…
For the record: NO ONE looks good in a Nordstrom mirror. Why do they do that? The only thing I can think of is so IF we DO buy the clothes, we think we look GREAT in our mirror when we get home.

Just a thought.

P.S. You are beautiful.