Two Things

There are two things that I do not like about summer: Back to school advertisements in July and Fall clothing merchandised in all of the stores the first day of August.

We have five weeks until school officially starts. While I am anxious to have all four of my children at school for at least two days a week, I am not in any way looking forward to homework, making lunches, uniforms, and rushing around in the early morning.

I have to keep reminding myself that we still have five weeks until the chaos begins even though my daughter has decided that she must have all of her school and locker supplies purchased now. She has convinced me that by the time August 30Th rolls around, all of the GOOD supplies will be gone. Don't ask me why I was convinced. I just spent over a hundred dollars at Target. She talks out of both sides of her mouth though by cringing when I mention school yet jonesing for the next trip to Office Depot like a cocaine addict in rehab.

Admittedly I love office supplies as does my husband. I can never have enough black inked, medium, ball point pens while my husband prefers the blue inked roller ball pens. I know where she get it, but it is only July!

On the up side I can spread out the spending by being finished with her supplies and only having to complete the fifth grade list and the kindergarten supply list, that is, if there is anything GOOD left at the end of August. Oh well, we will just have to take our chances.
