I Wish That I Knew Me

Having a teenage girl in the house makes me wonder what I was like to be around when I was her age. Was I fun, a good friend, did I make others laugh? Was I insecure, or did people know that I was a Christian? Did my mother worry about me and wonder what I was doing at night and during the day?

I would love to hang out with my teenage self just to see what kind of person I really was in the eyes of others. I wonder if I was kind and polite to adults and if I was a servant. Did I try my best in school and seek to get good grades because it was the right thing to do?

Some people remember everything about their teenage years. I remember some things.

I like teenagers. I was a volunteer in youth ministry for 12 years with my husband. I had a small group of girls that I still keep in touch with today. Most of them are married and have children of their own. Was I the type of teenager that youth workers enjoyed being around?

In my melting memory it's hard to remember who I was as a teen. I suppose I could ask those who knew me best, but what difference would it make now? None.

In my attempts to be a women of great character, grace, and encouragement I often fail, however, I need to remember, that the me, now, is who people are going to remember.

My mother claims that at times I'm not very fun to be around. I've got a lot of work to do with the me, now. I'm a work in progress. I'm so glad that God is understanding.


Denise said…
there is an old gaither kids song that reminds me still tthat i am a work in progress... "kids under construction, maybe the paint is still wet. we're kids under construction, the Lord might not be finished yet"