Chocolate Bunnies and Cash

I'm a bit sad.

I used to love the Saturday before Easter when I would scurry about collecting goods form the store for the conservative Easter baskets for all four of my children. I would purposefully choose candy and other things that fit their tastes, and typically a new bathing suit or beach towel from Old Navy or Target was part of the package.

Smiles erupted Easter morning when each child would open their small gift and immediately devour a delicious candy treat, breaking all rules for breakfast fare.

This year is different. No one wants a new bathing suit or beach towel. No one is interested in a small token toy to play with. No one wants a chocolate egg or hollowed chocolate bunny. They all want cash. Cash? How Eastery is cash. Not Eastery at all.

One is saving for a phone. Another is saving for a mission trip. The little ones want to pick out something at Target and use their own money. This is sad. This is sad and wrong.

They are getting a chocolate bunny whether they want one or not. What's an Easter basket without a chocolate bunny?

This is sad.


Eve said…
Give them money but hide it in plastic eggs all around the house and yard. That should get them in the mood! :)

I'll never be too old to want chocolate!