Hotel, How do I Love Thee?

I let out a soft sigh when I passed the Courtyard Marriott located next to the drive-thru Starbucks on my way to work.

I need a hotel stay. My husband and I need a hotel stay. We need a get-away. I'm not requesting anything fancy, in fact, I'm satisfied, as long as the hotel is clean, and away from home.

I need funds though. The $35 dollars I made from a small garage sale last weekend is gone and a lemonade stand in December won't suffice.

I need big money. Anyone need some 1980's bedroom furniture? How about a silver dime from the 40's? If I sell all of my gold jewelry from the 80's could I gather enough income for a hotel room?

What would I do in a hotel room for one weekend you ask?

Take my laptop, magazines, and a book, and do whatever I wanted for 48 hours straight. I would write, read, write some more, drink coffee, eat dinner at 9:00 p.m., Jacuzzi with my hubby at midnight, eat breakfast at a local diner, write some more, catch up on blogs, run, drink more coffee, and spend time catching up in conversation with my love.

What would you do in a hotel for 48 hours?


Kimmon said…
We must be related! I LOVE to stay in a hotel. We've stayed sooo much in the last three or four months due to our son's traveling football team. Only once was it just hubby and me. During that trip?...we stayed at a fancy-schmancy hotel in downtown St Louis and went to a comedian's show at the next door casino. We ate dinner after the show in the hotel's cozy Italian restaurant. We paid $2 for a soda from the vending machine. A nice, quick getaway. However, as romantic as we try to make our trips, we always take our laptops and end up with almost every conversation being about our son or work. Any remedy for that? :)
I would do pretty much the same thing, and that doesn't surprise me!
Denise said…
complain that i miss my cozy bed.
unless it is a fancy hotel with a cozy bed..and chocolates on my pillow. then i would lay there and do absolutely nothing!
i need a hotel.