Belt it Out

I had a moment.

It was an embarrassing moment.

I don't embarrass easily, however, this moment would embarrass anyone.

We were all in staff meeting being led in worship songs. The mood was solemn. The lights were dimmed. I was absorbing the part of the song when just the instruments are playing and no one is singing.

The music changed and I blurted out the next lyric to the song that we were singing. The trouble is, there was more music and the lyrics hadn't yet begun.

People turned to look at me. The guy next to me shook with muffled laughter, and I, decided to just listen to the song and stop singing. There is only so much embarrassment one can take in one day and I had instantly reached my limit.

At the next staff meeting, I will just mouth the words. I don't want to take any chances.


Sara@iSass said…
ooh, I'm so sorry. It's been done here too.
Don't let the guy next to you get you down. You were singing for the LORD. And he LOVED it!
Eve said…
Oh I think we can all relate to this one!
Melodee said…
Oh, that made me laugh, out loud!