Ty Your Shoes

Yesterday marked the grand opening of our church's student center, Refinery. Our church has waited many a year for this day and it finally arrived just in time for my freshman to take advantage of all the accessories. Yeah!

I took the kids to all the festivities surrounding the grand opening affair and the highlight was watching our friend's son Kyle Loza, do jumps with his team of riders called Riders 4 Christ. The kids each got a signed poster from Kyle and my daughter got her shirt signed. It was very fun.

All the way home from the event the kids talked about Kyle. Since he is a tattoo artist also, he likes to get and give tattoos. Across his knuckles he has the words, "GODCHILD." My kids are obsessed with this and think that it is very cool. My middle mister asked me if I can get a Sharpie pen and write, "TYYOURSHOES across his knuckles." That is the nickname that one of our friends gave him since his real name is, "Ty." I told him I would but thankfully I think that he forgot about the request. He doesn't realize that he is unequipped in the knuckle space area either. He needs three additional knuckles.


Denise said…
our church youth group is called refinery (i'm sure it is just a bit smaller than saddlebacks :-)
"ty your shoes" a great camp name!
That's so cool. Of course I'm interested in the Refinery because of Oneighty. And the knuckles thing cracks me up.