Dinner is Served

I am partial to dinner. Not necessarily dinner fare, I can eat eggs and bacon for dinner or grilled cheese sandwiches, it is the timing of dinner that I enjoy.

Breakfast it typically a bar and coffee followed by more coffee, and lunch is rarely a meal that is enjoyed while sitting with the family.

Dinner however, is something that I anticipate with joy. I know that we will usually sit as a family and talk about our day, while eating a meal that has been cooked by either me or my husband, and on some occasions, been picked up from one of our favorite eateries. My husband is home to buffer the conversation spinning around SpongeBob episodes or Slip N' Slide tricks and help with children needing attention.

The day is winding down by the time dinner arrives, and relaxation is beginning, but the very best part about dinner is that it is always followed by dessert, and two young boys who don't nap anymore, with a lot of energy, getting ready for bed.

I love sleeping children - and dessert.
