N-Y Oh My

One of my very best of friends for the last 25 years happens to be a flight attendant. She asked me if I wanted to pal along with her on a trip to NY. She is working the flight. After acquiring a "hall pass" from my wonderful husband, I am going to NY! This is too good to pass up.

This is the third time that she has invited me, I know, she is wonderful. We are going to ride bikes around Central Park, eat cupcakes, and chat, chat, chat, with no interruptions.

I am very excited. I was told to pack light, and wear business attire on the plane. I will do as I am told.

I leave in three hours and will be home Sunday afternoon. Wow, I mean wow!


Na said…
that's my dream. have fun!!
Amy said…
Have a GREAT time!!! Enjoy! (And report back with details, please!)
Cheri said…
I HEART NY!!! What an awesome opportunity. Can't wait to hear all about it. Be sure to eat a pastrami sandwich at the Stage Deli or if you make it to Greenwich Village go to Milk & Cookies Bakery for warm yummy cookies. Shop at Century 21 and H&M for me. Oh yeah, and go for a run in Central Park!
ayates said…
wow!!!!!!!! Oh how wonderful!!! I am so excited for you. I love that you get to do that. I went to NY 3 times in the last year. I think I need to go again! You need to get your matching earrings at Tiffany's that go with the necklace that Greg bought you while on the 8th grade trip!!!! It's a must!!!!!!!!!!
Erin said…
Anonymous said…