Go to Bed!

For some reason my youngest could not fall asleep last night. That is a terrible feeling. He wiggled, squirmed, and came out of his bedroom three different times, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Frustrated, I finally turned on a Veggie Tales DVD in my bedroom to calm his brain and help him feel more sleepy. At 11:00 he still wasn't ready for bed, but I was!

Eventually he fell asleep after another round of questions, shoving his water bottle under his pillow, arranging his Webkinz at the bottom of his bed, and situating his blankie so that the correct side was facing in the upward position. Ugg!

At 4:19 he entered my room ready to snuggle and snore next to me. I exited immediately and went to his bed. He had clearly pushed the envelope this time. At 5:57 I was woken by my middle mister.

Out of four children only one of them, my oldest boy, will go to my husband's side of them bed when they encounter a problem or wake up in the morning. What gives?

Today I may need an extra dose of coffee and I may resume to my yawning incessantly. At least this time my yawning will legitimately be because I am, well, exhausted!


Eve said…
I always went to my dad's side of the bed in the middle of the night because if you woke my sweet mom up she turned into a bear!

Maybe you should give that a try. :)