Navy Blue Shorts and Black Jeans

I am the parent of a clothing creature of habit. My youngest wears the same black jeans every day of his life. If it is too hot to wear the black jeans, he wears a pair of navy blue cargo shorts. That is it. The black jeans from Old Navy have just received their first hole in the knee and it has now torn into a huge hole. My son is very sad. He explained to me that he needs another pair of black jeans. Goodie. Too bad he cannot fathom wearing the four other pair of jeans in his drawer. Evidently they are not dark enough.

I ventured to Old Navy in hopes of purchasing another pair of black jeans. They had nothing. He cried. He now wants me to drive to every Old Navy within a 20 mile radius and search for another pair of jeans. I refused. He cried more.

I am retiring the black jeans, when he is asleep, and unaware of my ploy. I will not send my child to school with ripped jeans that have been worn for the past three days in a row, so they need to exit our home at dusk. Trash day is tomorrow, so my plan is perfect. Black jeans=MIA.

We still have the navy blue shorts as a back up. I just hope that it doesn't suddenly snow in Orange County, otherwise, he may be the first child to attend preschool in his underwear.


Look on Ebay for NWT size ? Old Navy Black you will have some luck finding a brand spankin new pair...well maybe, it's worth a try! GOOD LUCK!
Sarah Markley said…
Thats too funny! I hope you find some soon!
Melodee said…
That's hilarious. My 5 and a half year old will NOT wear jeans, at all, ever, no matter what. They are "too tight." Even when they are loose.

She looks like an orphan in stretchy leggings most day.
