I had to share this with you. Normally I do not take something from another persons blog to share with you but I could not resist. Also, I have included something I have discovered on my own. The cake below is from an office party. I found this at the Grammar Vandal blog. The person ordering was making the purchase at a Wal-Mart Superstore. He asked for the following: (This is FOR REAL)
"I would like the cake to say, 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that, 'We will miss you'"
I think that someone needs to get their high school diploma!
Also, If you are celebrating Halloween today and still have not purchased a pumpkin, the real estate office down the road is offering free pumpkins. All you have to do is buy a home! The cute sign in front of their office reads: "Free pumpkin with every home purchase!" Perfect! I'll take four homes. That way each child will receive a free pumpkin. We will only be about two and a half million dollars in debt, but at least we will have four pumpkins to carve.
Happy Halloween!
"I would like the cake to say, 'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that, 'We will miss you'"
I think that someone needs to get their high school diploma!
Also, If you are celebrating Halloween today and still have not purchased a pumpkin, the real estate office down the road is offering free pumpkins. All you have to do is buy a home! The cute sign in front of their office reads: "Free pumpkin with every home purchase!" Perfect! I'll take four homes. That way each child will receive a free pumpkin. We will only be about two and a half million dollars in debt, but at least we will have four pumpkins to carve.
Happy Halloween!